It is one thing to know about God. It is quite another to really know Him personally. How close do feel your relationship is to God currently? How do you relate to Him? Do you know His heart of unconditional love for you? Do you see yourself as a servant or as a child of God? As a young Christian, I grew up being taught about Jesus and knew that He had a Father. But when I read the bible later in life and saw that Jesus had said, “If you have seen me, then you have seen the Father. He and I are one and the same”, I realized quickly that I didn’t see them the same. I saw Jesus as being quite loving as He gave His life for me. But I somehow thought of the Father as being quite big, distant and was ready to judge me if it wasn’t for my Jesus’s sacrifice for me. That realization took me on a journey into the heart of Father God, or as Jesus called Him, “Abba”, which means “Daddy”. I also later learned that I was rarely taught anything on the person of Holy Spirit, the third part of the Trinity. So I prayed in those days for God to reveal Himself to me more intimately. He described Himself in these parts as being in relationship with one another. So I asked if I could get to know each one of the Trinity more intimately. And He was faithful to show Himself to me, and He continues to do so. In this talk, I share on how we can grow in intimacy with God, each part of Him and allow each part of our own heart to connect to Him more deeply. Click here to listen to the message on Intimacy with God.