
THE WHOLEHEARTED LEADER PILLAR 4: Holiness of Character The Unoffended Life   “One who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, And one who rules his spirit, than one who captures a city.” (Proverbs 16:32 NASB) Our next characteristic in developing holiness of character is self-control. When you look at the list of the fruit of the Spirit, this one is last, but it certainly is not the least in importance! Self-control is super-important. You do have the ability to control yourself. And the minute you think you don’t – you’re in trouble!   When are we likely to [...]

THE WHOLE-HEARTED LEADER: The Unoffended Life2021-06-09T06:16:13+00:00

THE WHOLEHEARTED LEADER: When Things Don’t Go the Way We Want


THE WHOLEHEARTED LEADER PILLAR 4: Holiness of Character When Things Don’t Go the Way We Want   Patience! Now, this is a fruit of the Spirit, and you cannot get rid of this one! Patience is all about longsuffering, and this can be tough! Patience is a virtue. So, how do we grow in the quality or characteristic of patience? You might not like the answer!   How do we grow in patience? You’ve got to go through some suffering! And you have to persevere through it. Be careful about asking the Lord to teach patience. Patience is learned through those [...]

THE WHOLEHEARTED LEADER: When Things Don’t Go the Way We Want2021-06-02T08:49:54+00:00



THE WHOLEHEARTED LEADER PILLAR 4: Holiness of Character Growing in Loyalty   “One who pursues righteousness and loyalty finds life, righteousness, and honor.” Proverbs 21:21 (NASB) God is the God of Covenant. He is faithful. Loyalty is something that characterizes God, and it should characterize us if we are walking in holiness of character. So, our next characteristic of the wholehearted leader is loyalty. How have you grown in loyalty? Are you a loyal friend? Are you someone who sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24)?   How do we define loyalty? What do you think of when you hear the [...]

THE WHOLE-HEARTED LEADER: Growing in Loyalty2021-06-02T08:12:51+00:00



THE WHOLEHEARTED LEADER PILLAR 4: Holiness of Character Are You a Giver? Are you more excited about giving or receiving? Let’s talk about the second trait in holiness of character – generosity. When you grow in holiness of character, you grow in being a giver to other people. Most of us think of money and material things when we think of generosity but giving also has to do with the condition of our hearts. God wants us to give love, even to the undeserving, to give mercy, even when wronged. God desires us to grow in generosity in every aspect of [...]

THE WHOLE-HEARTED LEADER: Are You a Giver?2021-05-18T09:42:22+00:00

THE WHOLE-HEARTED LEADER: Humble, yet Confident


THE WHOLEHEARTED LEADER PILLAR 4: Holiness of Character Humble, yet Confident   In this fourth pillar – holiness of character – I want to cover the mindset of the fruit of the Spirit. I use the word “mindset” because I will be using the words and the language that God gave me for the kind of character that He wants to develop, but I think they all embrace the fruit of the Spirit. So, the first one is humility. Humility is a huge character goal – a huge character piece that we want to be able to develop in Jesus. Therefore, [...]

THE WHOLE-HEARTED LEADER: Humble, yet Confident2021-05-18T09:39:37+00:00
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