THE WHOLE-HEARTED LEADER: Why Soaking Prayer is Vital


THE WHOLE-HEARTED LEADER PILLAR 2: INTIMACY Why Soaking Prayer is Vital   The longer you can remain in that place where you are connecting with Jesus and have that awesome sense that He is right there with you – the more you’re being filled with joy. Let’s face it – it’s not always easy. It’s often hard to get to that place. Your capacity for joy might only be shot-glass size. Your capacity might be a gallon! Maybe you can linger there with Jesus for ten minutes or longer. But maybe you are only able to focus for about two minutes, [...]

THE WHOLE-HEARTED LEADER: Why Soaking Prayer is Vital2020-12-07T19:10:55+00:00

THE WHOLE-HEARTED LEADER: What Does Brain Science Tell Us about Relationship?


THE WHOLE-HEARTED LEADER PILLAR 2: INTIMACY What Does Brain Science Tell Us about Relationship?   We are all hungry for relationship. We are wired for it. This part makes me excited! Brain science tells us that we are wired for connection. We require it.  Did you know that if you don’t hold a baby it will not thrive? It needs touch. It also needs to make eye contact with its mother. It needs touch, it needs eye contact, it needs smell – all the senses.  All our senses are so powerful because they’re not just natural – they are supernatural.   [...]

THE WHOLE-HEARTED LEADER: What Does Brain Science Tell Us about Relationship?2020-11-12T16:42:09+00:00



THE WHOLE-HEARTED LEADER PILLAR 2: INTIMACY The Inner Circle   God loves us all unconditionally. And yet, our Lord Jesus when He walked the earth had levels of intimacy.   Jesus’ inner circles Jesus was surrounded by hordes of people, but He had a smaller, more intimate ring of men and women. They traveled with Him and received teachings and prophesies Jesus did not share with the masses. They saw miracles (like walking on water and calming the storm) that others did not see. Jesus chose the twelve apostles, giving them authority over unclean spirits and to heal every disease and [...]

THE WHOLE-HEARTED LEADER: The Inner Circle2020-10-04T15:04:42+00:00

The Plan of God Revealed: Encounter with God – True Intimacy (Part 2)


Experiencing Encounters with God When we were on a trip to Thailand, a missionary told me about a place in the Omkoi district, in the far north, near the border, out in the bush, where there’s hardly anything.  The Holy Spirit has been moving tremendously through these tribal people.  They’re getting up at 4:00 every morning to pray and to worship. Who’s leading the way?  It’s the children – they have a mission school there.  And so the kids, before school, get up at 4:00 in the morning to pray, as young as five years old, and they’re having encounters with [...]

The Plan of God Revealed: Encounter with God – True Intimacy (Part 2)2019-03-05T16:14:13+00:00

The Plan of God Revealed: Encounter with God – True Intimacy (Part 1)


Do you ever feel that God is distant and not especially concerned with your life?  Do you faithfully go through the motions of attending church, reading your Bible, and doing good works, and yet…feel a lack of connection with God?  Do you wonder if there’s more to be had? The good news is that there is more – so very much more!  God’s plan for us is to encounter Him – to have true intimacy with Him! What Does God’s Word Say About Encounter? In Whom, because of our faith in Him, we dare to have the boldness (courage and confidence) [...]

The Plan of God Revealed: Encounter with God – True Intimacy (Part 1)2019-03-05T16:16:54+00:00

Our Sonship: The Six Kinds of Earthly Fathers


Do you sometimes feel that God is unapproachable or unavailable?  Do feelings of guilt or shame make you feel fearful or unworthy of God?  Where do these thoughts and feelings come from? […]

Our Sonship: The Six Kinds of Earthly Fathers2019-03-14T16:57:55+00:00

Our Sonship: The Four Basic Needs God Put into Our Hearts


Many people struggle to have true intimacy with God or with their family.  Today we’re going to look the root cause of our trouble with connecting with God, with our spouse, with our children, or with others. […]

Our Sonship: The Four Basic Needs God Put into Our Hearts2019-03-14T16:54:15+00:00
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