believe God

In my last blog, we took a brief look at supernatural faith and how faith can become a struggle if hope is lost.

So, I want you to do something for me. Just try this out and see if it works. The next time you face loss of hope, disappointment, or a testing of your faith, go straight to Plan A: Believe God.

Meditate on the Truth

First, search the scriptures and find out what God says about your situation and meditate on the truth of His word. The word meditate may sound foreign to you, but believe me, you know how to do it. In scripture, the word meditate is haga, meaning to moan, growl, mutter, muse, or imagine. This same word is used in Isaiah 31:4 as a picture of a lion roaring and growling over its prey. The lion is tenacious and stubborn. He will not let go of his prey though many enemies come against him. Have you ever worried about anything for a period of time? Have you chewed on that worry like a bone? Have you tenaciously held onto it until you felt the worry lift? That is meditating, but it’s meditating on the wrong thing. When you worry, you may even be meditating on the plans of the enemy! Jesus commands us not to worry. (Matthew 6:25) Instead, scriptures encourage us to meditate (chew on, mutter, imagine, or muse on) the promises of God.

Declare a Thing, and It Will Be Established

Next, begin to declare the truth of God’s word. Trust God AND believe what He says; then declare what He says is true. God’s will is for us to experience Him now “on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10) Begin to declare what you know is true in heaven…no sickness, no disease, undying love, a whole heart…these are what God says His will is on earth because that’s how it is in heaven! Even if you can’t always see it, or even if you’ve never seen or experienced it…confess it anyway.

When you confess and declare a promise of God, you are co-laboring with Him to establish that truth in your life, just as He said in Job 22:28, “You will also decree a thing, and it will be established for you.

First, know what God says, then declare and decree it. Sickness doesn’t exist in Heaven, so you have permission to say, “Go!”

Partner with God

When we declare God’s truth, we are partnering with him to bring heaven to earth. Have you ever wondered why James says in chapter 1, “Consider it pure joy my brothers as you undergo trials of many kinds for it is a testing and a persevering of your faith.

Faith is a choice we make to agree with and trust in God. The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead lives in each one of us. Because of this, we don’t have to strive to have faith. We simply need to choose to partner with the One who is already in us. We first agree with him, and then we act in faith.

I believe faith is the currency of the Kingdom; it’s what makes the Kingdom move. It’s how we move, and how we are able to advance the Kingdom. Simply put: we can’t advance the Kingdom without faith. And without faith, it’s impossible to please God. (Hebrews 11:6) Faith is our belief in action. It’s one thing to believe in God…Scripture says even the demons believe in God and shudder…but it’s a whole other thing to also believe what He says is true. Believe not only that He exists, but that He cares enough about you to respond when you seek Him.

When we partner with the God of the universe and come into agreement with what He has already declared and decreed, we are joining with Him in His faith. That is supernatural faith – having the faith of God. Because when God declares a thing, He knows it will come to pass.

Take a few moments this week to ponder and meditate on God’s promises to you. Let hope arise as you understand the depth of His love for you. Trust in him wholeheartedly. If there is any part of your heart that does not yet trust in God’s goodness and kindness toward you, ask the Holy Spirit to come and speak to that wounded part. He is faithful and good, and His thoughts toward you are more than the sand on the seashore. (Psalm 139:17-18)

Once you feel a fresh revelation of God’s truth for your life spring up in your heart, begin to declare His word over your situation fueled by faith!

Scriptures for Meditation: 

“You will also decree a thing, and it will be established for you.” -Job 22:28,

“Consider it pure joy my brothers as you undergo trials of many kinds for it is a testing and a persevering of your faith.” -James 1

“How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand—when I awake, I am still with you.” -Psalm 139:17-18