THE WHOLE-HEARTED LEADER: The Fastest Way to Access Your Joy Connection


THE WHOLE-HEARTED LEADER PILLAR 2: INTIMACY The Fastest Way to Access Your Joy Connection   It’s not good for us to be alone. God decided that at creation. God created us to be in relationship with one another, and especially with Him. We must have people in our lives to be whole, and we have to be in a relationship of intimacy with Him.   What helps to build a whole heart? You don’t have to have five hundred best friends, but you need two or three people who are close to you. Now, people come and go in our relationships. [...]

THE WHOLE-HEARTED LEADER: The Fastest Way to Access Your Joy Connection2020-11-23T18:57:31+00:00



THE WHOLE-HEARTED LEADER PILLAR 2: INTIMACY Friends of God   Why does the enemy want to destroy our identity? He hates our image because our identity is rooted in God. Did you know that we’re not meant to have shame? In our true identity, we’re to have confidence. Think about Jesus. He was confident! He wasn’t arrogant, but He was confident. He knew who He was as the Son of God. He knew the goodness of God, and He knew the heart of the Father.  That’s what we’re restoring – our God-given identity. That’s what Jesus restored on the cross and [...]

THE WHOLE-HEARTED LEADER: Friends of God2020-11-12T15:44:10+00:00
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