THE WHOLE-HEARTED LEADER: Humble, yet Confident


THE WHOLEHEARTED LEADER PILLAR 4: Holiness of Character Humble, yet Confident   In this fourth pillar – holiness of character – I want to cover the mindset of the fruit of the Spirit. I use the word “mindset” because I will be using the words and the language that God gave me for the kind of character that He wants to develop, but I think they all embrace the fruit of the Spirit. So, the first one is humility. Humility is a huge character goal – a huge character piece that we want to be able to develop in Jesus. Therefore, [...]

THE WHOLE-HEARTED LEADER: Humble, yet Confident2021-05-18T09:39:37+00:00

Kingdom Character: Growing in Humility (Part 2)


As we grow in character, humility is one of the things that we definitely want to display more and more. We understand that our model, Jesus Christ, had a gentle and humble heart (Matthew 11:29), and He demonstrated it wherever He went. No matter the circumstances, He never lacked humility, and with his help, that’s what we need to strive for too. Understand the Dangers of Pride I think it’s important to understand some of the dangers of pride. God takes pride seriously – seriously enough to kick one of His archangels (Lucifer/Satan) out of His presence because of it! Remember, [...]

Kingdom Character: Growing in Humility (Part 2)2019-03-14T17:10:17+00:00
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