The Plan of God Revealed: Encounter with God – True Intimacy (Part 2)


Experiencing Encounters with God When we were on a trip to Thailand, a missionary told me about a place in the Omkoi district, in the far north, near the border, out in the bush, where there’s hardly anything.  The Holy Spirit has been moving tremendously through these tribal people.  They’re getting up at 4:00 every morning to pray and to worship. Who’s leading the way?  It’s the children – they have a mission school there.  And so the kids, before school, get up at 4:00 in the morning to pray, as young as five years old, and they’re having encounters with [...]

The Plan of God Revealed: Encounter with God – True Intimacy (Part 2)2019-03-05T16:14:13+00:00

The Plan of God Revealed: Encounter with God – True Intimacy (Part 1)


Do you ever feel that God is distant and not especially concerned with your life?  Do you faithfully go through the motions of attending church, reading your Bible, and doing good works, and yet…feel a lack of connection with God?  Do you wonder if there’s more to be had? The good news is that there is more – so very much more!  God’s plan for us is to encounter Him – to have true intimacy with Him! What Does God’s Word Say About Encounter? In Whom, because of our faith in Him, we dare to have the boldness (courage and confidence) [...]

The Plan of God Revealed: Encounter with God – True Intimacy (Part 1)2019-03-05T16:16:54+00:00
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