But the worst thing that can happen to you is to develop victimitis.
Victimitis is carrying your grudge and nursing the hurts. This only produces a whole new batch of emotional demons to torment your soul! Resentment, anger, self-pity and even vengeance become a mixed-up recipe for messed-up feelings.
If you walk the walk of faith, there will be times when you’ll be treated unfairly. At such times, you can be assured that God can handle the injustice a lot better than you can.
You have the faith that He’ll settle the score in a way that will be helpful and not hurtful to everyone concerned. So don’t carry the grudge; bury it.
You can be positive about one thing. God knows the ins and outs of the entire upsetting situation a lot better than you do. God knows how to pull the weeds without killing the flowers!
He understands your opponents, adversaries, and enemies a lot better than you do. God knows how to turn an enemy into a friend, too!
Take time to pray: Dear God, with your help, I promise to drop all resentments, all injustices, into the deepest sea of Your power and mercy and love. I trust you to settle the matter in the best way!
Thank you, God, for taking over this problem before it does untold damage to my spirit! Amen.
Source: Robert H. Schuller | Paul David Dunn of New Possibility Thinkers Bible