THE WHOLE-HEARTED LEADER: When Intimacy Was Severed in the Garden


THE WHOLE-HEARTED LEADER PILLAR 2: INTIMACY When Intimacy Was Severed in the Garden   Let’s rewind back to the Garden of Eden – to Adam and Eve. They were created for intimacy. They were created to walk naked with the Lord in the garden. No shame existed, no shame at all. They walked freely, naked in the garden, full of joy and full of the Lord’s presence.  They knew who God was. They knew who they were in Him and how they were made for one another. Adam got to name all the animals. He didn’t just give them titles. He [...]

THE WHOLE-HEARTED LEADER: When Intimacy Was Severed in the Garden2020-10-19T19:29:38+00:00



THE WHOLE-HEARTED LEADER PILLAR 2: INTIMACY The Inner Circle   God loves us all unconditionally. And yet, our Lord Jesus when He walked the earth had levels of intimacy.   Jesus’ inner circles Jesus was surrounded by hordes of people, but He had a smaller, more intimate ring of men and women. They traveled with Him and received teachings and prophesies Jesus did not share with the masses. They saw miracles (like walking on water and calming the storm) that others did not see. Jesus chose the twelve apostles, giving them authority over unclean spirits and to heal every disease and [...]

THE WHOLE-HEARTED LEADER: The Inner Circle2020-10-04T15:04:42+00:00
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