Persecution: Where Does It Come From?


We all love an underdog story – a Cinderella story – where someone climbs to the top, overcoming all kinds of circumstances.  We love that!  And, when we’re watching a sports event – we secretly do not cheer for the team or person who is the ten-time champion – the ones that have been on a roll for ten years or whatever.  We’re saying, “Where’s the underdog that’s going to topple these people?”  And when that underdog shows up, we’re all rooting for him or her!   Why?  Because we all identify with the suffering.  We identify with the struggle.  Everybody [...]

Persecution: Where Does It Come From?2019-05-21T15:16:43+00:00

See! Advance! Shout! Shout to the Lord!


Do you know when to be silent and when to shout from the rooftops?  There are times to keep your mouth shut, and then there are those times to just let it rip! “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens…a time to be silent and a time to speak.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 7 NIV) A time to be silent…and a time to shout – those were God’s instructions for Joshua and the people of Israel as they faced the great stronghold of Jericho.  We read in Joshua 6 that God had given them three [...]

See! Advance! Shout! Shout to the Lord!2019-03-04T11:31:44+00:00
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