Kingdom Character: Growing in Generosity (Part 2)


We live in such a materialistic, success-driven world. It seems that everyone is looking out for number one – for themselves. But God calls His people to live differently: He calls us to live generously in every way, every single day. In order to honor God and live generously, our character needs to be refined and molded because it certainly doesn’t come naturally for us to want to be generous. So how do we grow in our character and increase in generosity? The Identity Connection How we relate to money can sometimes be like a 2-sided coin; on one side there’s [...]

Kingdom Character: Growing in Generosity (Part 2)2019-03-14T17:07:33+00:00

5777: The Year of the Sword


“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12 Several years ago, the Lord highlighted the Hebraic calendar to me. I think the times and seasons of the Lord are very significant for us as His people, and we can learn a lot about what is important to God by studying His calendar and His plan as it is laid out in Scripture. This past year, on Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement), I [...]

5777: The Year of the Sword2019-03-14T17:15:22+00:00

5 Levels of Faith


As we wrap up this series on faith, I want to share with you the various levels of faith that are demonstrated throughout Scripture. Jesus loves every ounce of faith we have, and he responds to all levels of faith…even the smallest, most meager display of faith. Tenacious faith: The woman with the issue of blood battled the crowd and dared to touch the edge of Jesus’ garment – Jesus’ prayer cloth. The tassels on his prayer cloth represented pomegranates, which are symbolic of the promises of God. She was unclean and would not have been allowed to touch a rabbi [...]

5 Levels of Faith2019-03-14T17:16:21+00:00

Plan A: Believe God.


In my last blog, we took a brief look at supernatural faith and how faith can become a struggle if hope is lost. So, I want you to do something for me. Just try this out and see if it works. The next time you face loss of hope, disappointment, or a testing of your faith, go straight to Plan A: Believe God. Meditate on the Truth First, search the scriptures and find out what God says about your situation and meditate on the truth of His word. The word meditate may sound foreign to you, but believe me, you know [...]

Plan A: Believe God.2019-03-14T17:17:19+00:00



  If you would prefer to listen to this message...Click here Supernatural Faith “Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen.” (Hebrews 11:1) Are you a person of FAITH? Or do you often struggle with faith? What if you possessed the gift of faith from God ? Not a faith where you simply believe in God, but a faith where you believe what God says is actually TRUE for you! The Lord gives everyone a measure of faith. But there is also the supernatural gift of faith… the faith of God. We can’t talk about [...]


When Perception is Everything


-: It's February 2015 and 6 months since my first and last blog post. Since relocating my family, life and business, it has been a whirlwind of change to say the least. And although most of the change has been really good, it has still been really hard and at times, very stressful. In general, I personally am usually okay with change. In fact, I like to create change! But I also REALLY like to be in control of it! Like anything in life, however, we are often not in control of the circumstances or the details that can arise. What [...]

When Perception is Everything2015-02-19T15:41:35+00:00

Summertime Shifts


Well, here it is! Summer. Hot. Texas. Summer. As a kid, I would think the summers were so long and boring by July. I was the girl that was always on the hunt for an adventure and I would get bored very quickly. June events were considered 'yesterday play' and after the fireworks on the 4th, July was pretty boring until I could find something new to begin or a new friend to play with. Well this year, summer is still hot but life is certainly less than boring. Not only did my oldest child turn 10, but I have [...]

Summertime Shifts2018-03-20T17:40:00+00:00
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